Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Phase III - successfully completed

At the meeting of the Roßdorf town council (Gemeindevertretung) on 27 February 2015, the written questions (Anfrage) about the establishment of the foreigners' representation committee (Ausländerbeirat) were duly answered. The written answers follow:
Thanks were expressed for the answers and the positive tone was noted.  As a follow on question, I took the chance to ask how many asylum seekers and refugees would a) be entitle to vote and b) be eligible as candidates at the forthcoming election.  The period of residency required is 3 months and six months respectively and stateless residents are also eligible to take part.  The Mayor agreed to answer off-line, once the figures had been estimated.

I will ask the Mayor if I can join the meeting on 19 March at Roßdorf town hall.