Friday, 30 November 2012

Artikel 116 des Grundgesetzes

Artikel 116 des Grundgesetzes

Hmmm.  Laut Art. 116 des Grundgesetzes ist "vorbehaltlich anderweitiger gesetzlicher Regelung" meine Frau vielleicht Deutsch. 

Ich suche noch die anderweitiger gesetzlicher Regelung.  Mal sehen.

Monday, 19 November 2012

Apathy and ignorance - UK voters fail the PCC elections

UK electorate displayed unprecedented levels of apathy and ignorance at the PCC elections last week

They were the lucky ones.  Despite not having their votes taken from them by the British State, the vast majority of potential votes just couldn't be bothered.  See

It doesn't matter whether apathy or ignorance are to blame.  At the end of the day, it's up to them ... the public gets what the public votes for.  At least they were in a position to choose not to vote or to spoil their papers.

The merits of elected PCCs and the possibility of the politicisation of the police are important issues.  The disenfranchisement of expatriate UK citizens is a contravention of civil rights.

Monday, 5 November 2012

US Presidential Election - participation is everything

US Presidential Election - participation is everything

Election day is just around the corner and now the obligation is clearly in the hands of the electorate.  Despite the various schemes adopted of late and their potential impact on the demographic composition of the electorate, the voters now have their say.

If you have the right to vote in the presidential election, use that vote.  Use it wisely.

And make sure that as many of those who should be able to vote really get the opportunity.